Supporting Cancer Research

First Telethon 1954

+12,000 volunteers

Telethon '2 $1.04 Million

85% Donations to research

1,400 hours on air

+90 Artists performed in '23

Glory was born in 2023

87% donations from people

Fighting Cancer Since 1954
The Fifth District Eagles Cancer Telethon was founded in 1985 by a group of volunteers who wanted to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Since then, we have raised millions of dollars to support cancer research and patient care. Our organization is run entirely by volunteers, and every dollar we raise goes directly to our programs.

Our Team.
In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Eagles Cancer Telethon, a fresh and enthusiastic team is dedicated to strengthening the impact of this vital cause. In addition to the steadfast core team, the telethon relies on the invaluable support of hundreds of dedicated volunteers each year. These volunteers play a pivotal role in the success of the event.